The Decreee of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis
On the establishment of Nakhchivan Salt Museum
The connection of Nakhchivan with the prophet Noah attracted attention from ancient times ,the greek scientist Klavdi Ptolomey mentioned Nakhchivan as a dwelling place of the prophet Noah for the first time in the II century AD, the arabian scientist, geographer of the XVI century Al-Sharifi gave information about the existance of the prophet Noah’s grave, even the ruins of the ark in Nakhchivan.
The Russian explorer Konstantin Nikitin wrote in his article by name “ Nakhchivan district and Nakhchivan city” edited in “ journal of materials for description of Caucasian countries and tribes” published in Tbilisi in 1882 that the prophet Noah has been one of the first miners and he taught city population how to extract salt.
Taking into consideration the significance of Duzdagh archaeological excavations implemented in this territory, beside stone tools belonging different periods , ceramic items relate to Eneolithic and first Bronze Age were revealed. As the continue of the research work, Nakhchivan Duzdagh culture found its confirmation with scientific basis once more in the symposiums and conferences held on the theme of “Nakhchivan in the international sources”, “The prophet Noah : world storm and Nakhchivan”, “Nakhchivan: as an initial dwelling and townbuilding place”, “ Nakhchivan : An inital city and Duzdagh” , with the participation of foreign specialists scientific materials were prepared about Nakhchivan Duzdagh , books were published .
Guiding with item 22 of the II part of the article 5 of the Constitution of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and taking into consideration the important role of Nakhchivan salt in the history, I make a decision with the purpose to systematize the results of scientific researches, to povide the protection of national-cultural examples acquaired during archaeological excavations:
1. To establish Nakhchivan Salt Museum.
2. The staff of the Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic together The Ministry of Culture and Tourism to solve the problems ordered in the decree.