Salt Museum in Nakhchivan was made use
The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis signed a Decree “On the establishment of Nakhchivan Salt Museum”on September 12, 2017. In the previous time some measures were taken in the direction of execution of the decree, Nakhchivan Salt Museum was established in “Duzdagh” hotel. On April 5 Nakhchivan Salt Museum was made use.
The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis Vasif Talibov cut the ribbon which is considered the symbol of openning ceremony. The Chairman of National Azerbaijan Sciences Academy, academician Ismayil Hajiyev made a report and said in the independence years studing the history of Nakhchivan was started , holding international symposium “Nakhchivan in the international sources” in 1996 was a significant step in this field. The conferences held under the decree of the Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of NAR “The prophet Noah, world storm and Nakhchivan”, “Nakhchivan as a first dwelling and townbuilding place” ,” Nakhchivan : an initial city and Duzdagh” and other conferences played an important role in the study of culture , history, natural richness of Nakhchivan. Like in other regions of republic , during the international archaeological expedition implemented in Duzdagh , a great deal of spiritual-cultural examples were revealed, urgent scientific result were acquaired. It was found out that beginning V century BC salt was extracted in Nakhchivan Duzdagh and it was first recycling experiment of salt in the world. Extraction of salt require preparation of certain tools that, it caused the development of craftsmanship. One of the effects of salt production is to the salt trade as the result all of it first Nakhchivan culture developed . Establishing Salt Museum according to the decree of the Chairman dated September 12, 2017 is an expression of great care shown to the history ,culture, natural-cultural values of our people.
İsmayil Hajiyev expressed his gratitude to the chairman of the Supreme Majlis on behalf of the intellectuals and the scientific community for the attention and care shown the popularization and exploration of Nakhchivan history. The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis of NAR Vasif Talibov appreciated the usage process of Salt museum as an important event and congratulating the participants and future visitors said: The history of Nakhchivan is connected with the history of salt extraction. In order to investigate Nakhchivan history it is important to learn the history of Nakhchivan salt . Because Nakhchivan salt and Duzdagh have a replacable role in the development of Nakhchivan as a city.
5-7 thousand years ago valuable metal and paper money weren’t used in the turnover. Taking into consideration that salt was the only means of turnover it is possible to say that Nakhchivan was formed in the areas where salt was extracted. It enables to come to consclusion that the establishment of Nakhchivan city beginning with the extraction of salt 5-7 thousand years ago . It was also dealt by the historians of foreign countries in their works. Thus, the greek scientist Klavdi Ptolomey (II century), arabian scientist Al-Sharifi (XVI), russian scientist Konstantin Nikitin (XIX) and in the following periods, our local historians noted that the development of Nakhchivan city is connected with the prophet Noah and salt extraction.
The Chairman said: Up to now a plenty of measures were taken in the field of the extraction of Nakhchivan salt and establishment history of Nakhchivan city. The first event was the international symposium “Nakhchivan in the international sources” held in 1996. In another international symposium “Nakhchivan: an initial city and Duzdagh” some problems connect with Duzdagh culture were discussed and new facts were revealed. In the previous period international conferences connected with Nakhchivan Duzdagh were held , one monography, 9 books and about 80 scientific articles were published. Also various museums were organized in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. But creating Nakhchivan Salt Museum has a special importance. If we connect the accomadation of first people and development of city culture with the extraction of salt , then the investigation of Nakhchivan history must begin from that period. The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis said: Our national leader set up Nakhchivan Department of National Azerbaijan Sciences Academy with the purpose of investigation of Nakhchivan history and put forward some urgent duties. Because Nakhchivan history includes the main part of Azerbaijan history. In the previous time some vital measures were taken, scientific research works were fulfilled in the direction of investigation of Nakhchivan history . Investigation works were implemented, exhibits were gathered connected with the history of Nakhchivan salt. These exhibits will be demonstrated from now on. It was noted that Nakhchivan salt, not losing its importance is widely used in household, industry, nature, in the protect of human health, different handicrafts are prepared from it.
Thousands of people treat in Duzdagh Physiotherapy Center every year.Today all these facts show the significance of Nakhchivan salt once more. The main problem forward is to learn the history of Nakhchivan salt and convey to the next generations. That is why Nakhchivan history must be investigated throughly, Nakhchivan Departament of NASA , suitable state agencies and scientists must widen the research works in the direction of development of Nakhchivan city connected with salt extraction ,archive documents must be assembled, new books and scientific articles must be written.
The Chairman thanked those who are responsible for establishing Nakhchivan Salt Museum and wished them success in their future works. Then the museum was viewed. It was informed that the museum consists of an exposition hall and work rooms. 81 exhibits, including different figures made from salt , the books published about Nakhchivan Duzdagh ,Nakhchivan city, the prophet Noah and Nakhchivan , newspaper materials edited about Duzdagh culture and salt resources, the collections of documents are displayed in the museum. In the exposition the thoughts of our national leader H.Aliyev “Each stone, each rock of Nakhchivan which plays a specific role in the political, economical, cultural,and scientific life of Azerbaijan is a lively witness of history” and the president Ilham Aliyev’s thought “Duzdagh which is one of the wonderful places of Nakhchivan keeps secrets of history in each inch.” were given place.
Nakhchivan is rich in beliefs and traditions about salt. Different folklore examples on salt are displayed in the museum. The stone tools , stone hammers and hatchets, salt sacks, salt-cellars made from earthenware and clay, stone mortar and pestles, axes, salt crystals, carsit and salt rocks reflect ancient history and cultural potential of Nakhchivan in the exposition. These tools that have been used in the mine of Duzdagh and are demonstrated in the museums at present proove that the traditions of craftsmanship developed in Nakhchivan from ancient times. “The Koran” written “Muhammed Ali” on its cover made from salt is an expression of great esteem to the salt. There are salt sacks in the row of valuable exhibits which were once used to keep and carry salt. These sacks belong mainly to the previous century and inform about the development of weaving in Azerbaijan, especially in Nakhchivan. Handicrafts made from rock salt, the description of state flag of Azerbaijan Republic are interesting exhibits of the museum. Nakhchivan was selected the capital of Islamic culture in 2018. The logotype prepared in connection with it reflects specific symbols of Nakhchivan. The statue of the prophet Noah was erected in the centre considering its connection with Duzdagh and Nakhchivan city.
The Chairman of the Supreme Majlis gave instructions about organizing archaeological excavations connected with Nakhchivan salt by Nakhchivan Department of NASA holding conferences on Duzdagh culture, demonstration of information about composition of Nakhchivan salt, organization of sales of handicrafts made from salt by craftsmen of Nakhchivan.
Press Service of the Supreme Majlis of
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic